
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Reasons of Using FUD Crypter

What is FUD Crypter & How it Works

FUD Crypters have became really popular in recent times. The term FUD means Fully Undetectable.

So How it Works:

Crypters uses special types of Algorithms such as XOR or most of the times AES-128 or AES-256 many of the algorithms uses a specific type of a key. Crypters are also designed to make the code un-readable.

Which Crypter is the best:
If we look in the internet for Crypter then there are tons of many Crypters even though some of them are also available in open source which means that their code on how they works has also been uploaded to Internet and Github. Most of the time free crypters are detectable the reason is becuase the Antiviruses have stored their signatures.

What are signatures:

Signatures are kind of patterns for a Malware. Suppose if you are using a public RAT such as Venom or Quasar then generate a payload then there are many chances that Antiviruses might already have a signatures for that payload. For example take signatures as an identity for a Malware. Signatures always gets scanned by Antiviruses in background before even executing it Antivirus flags it making it un-executable though this type of detection is known as Scantime. Also a plus point every type of Malware also even have their own kind hashes.

What are Malware Hashes:

Malware hashes are kind of an encrypted strings of a file these strings can be of MD5, SHA-256 or SHA-1. But most of the times it is mostly of MD5. These are also a type of identity for a Malware. Even though if your file is a malware or not but you can figure out the hash of your file. The Antiviruses can detect similar Malwares if the hashes are matching.

Crypter for Android:

I have done many researches regarding Android Crypter I haven't found any working Crypter for Android. But the Crypter which DedSec has made is the amazing Crypter which can be bought from here. Let me tell you one thing finding Android Crypters these days are so much rare and hard because these types of stuff are pretty rare and really complex things to make these days and they are pretty expensive too. I personally like DedSec Android Crypter because it is 100% FUD and tested.

Crypter for Windows:

Many Crypters are created specifically for Windows but most of them don't even work now. The reason is because those crypters have became really old and now developers aren't updating it and those signatures are also stored by many Antiviruses. Now you might ask then which Crypter for Windows is best that is guaranteed FUD for that I recommend you read below.

How to make Payloads FUD:

I am talking about for Windows on How To make Payloads FUD. To make Payloads FUD you should learn Programming itself first it is an important key also with that you should learn deep about Windows Internals and Cryptography because for making payloads FUD knowledge for programming is a must. But if you wanna create your own Crypter then you should have good knowledge of Cryptography because to create own Crypter you must know on how to encrypt your payloads and when to decrypt them.

This post is only for educational purposes, we will not be
responsible for any of your actions so use the knowledge at
your own risk.

1 comment:

  1. Unhandled exception. System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '' threw an exception.
    ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'X57Ge0LQEUixhcXKKHp' threw an exception.
    ---> System.Exception: This assembly is protected by an unregistered version of Eziriz's ".NET Reactor"! This assembly won't further work.
    at N2a7sLi9bBcNuQSG90Q.XRQr7gile1XQdiiiw53.VbecJy0yNo()
    at MNrDlrtsiE2DmYTJwI.ldvYS8YNWwGPQPG7c7.bTvUuslHQwuG8rLTTgn()
    at MNrDlrtsiE2DmYTJwI.ldvYS8YNWwGPQPG7c7.WEjWoGZWba()
    at MNrDlrtsiE2DmYTJwI.ldvYS8YNWwGPQPG7c7.X57Ge0LQEUixhcXKKHp..cctor()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at MNrDlrtsiE2DmYTJwI.ldvYS8YNWwGPQPG7c7.X57Ge0LQEUixhcXKKHp..ctor(Stream )
    at MNrDlrtsiE2DmYTJwI.ldvYS8YNWwGPQPG7c7.WEjWoGZWba()
    at .cctor()
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    Unfortunately, it gives such an error..
    What is the reason? can you help me?
